Friday, January 14, 2011

Outdoor Vinyl Lettering

So I have lived in this house for more than two years now, and although its taken a while I am ready to erase EVERYTHING from the previous owners! Yes that's right; as of about four weeks ago you can no longer view the blue floral curtains from 1978 in my living room.

In the middle of the Christmas ordering rush and chaos I got an itch to take down the hideous curtains and replace them with curtains that I love. They had hanging in the last house and sitting in a box since we moved. I can't believe its taken me this long.

Anyway, the itch continued to the mailbox as well. I wanted our name on the mailbox cuz its our house!!! So I designed the information in outdoor vinyl lettering and installed it on the mailbox. It has a 10 year guarantee for the outdoors and can withstand all types of weather and wind.

Vinyl Lettering

We are so excited for the new year! We know that this year we will share our love of vinyl wall lettering with people all around the globe.

One of my favorite parts of the holidays has been having customers share their stories with me. This Christmas we made signs for a proposal, one to welcome a soldier home from war, one to welcome a new baby to the family, and one to announce that a baby was on the way! We also made some sentimental and sweet signs and some very humorous signs!

My favorite story was a sign that was ordered saying "Family Live Forever." I thought that was unusual because the typical phrase my clients order is, "Families are Forever." I questioned the customer on the wording of the sign. She then told me the sign was for a family that she loved dearly who just lost their 3-year- old little boy after a long struggle with cancer. The boy had fought for nearly 2 years of his short life. But right after he began to speak he would tell his mom and dad every day, "Family Live Forever."

Vinyl Wall Lettering is a way to speak volumes, to touch hearts, to inspire us with wall quotes, and to look to the future with smiles and a happy heart.